Every Flower
Has her on expression
Unique impulses
-if she holds herself back
She stops blooming
A Flower that does not get
- that she is unique
Will look for prove
Looking outside
To be equal, be better, more beautiful
She loves by doing what she loves. No judging.
She loves by being with what is. In Reality.
She loves by seeing.
Seeing other Flowers how they are. No fantasy.
Seeing what makes her sisters bloom. No right and wrong.
Seeing where her own shadow is eating the light. No comparing.
Digging through the mud of the own shadow is
A door
To unfold
To unfold herself
To unfold to her true potential
Flowers stick together
No matter if they bloom or grow
wither or sprout
connected through Mother Earth
While they are
Alchemy happens in every moment.
Every moment a Flower follows her rhythm of evolution. No fighting.
Withering away
Exploring the mud.
Connecting to her Seed.
Nourishing herself.
Being so big as she is.
She is ready to spread her seeds.