I am a nomad, this means that I travel to different places without having a fixed place to which I call home.
I have been thinking about what is a home actually? What is it made of? My personal objects? People? Furniture?
You can ask yourself the question and you may have a very specific image of what a home is. The way you picture it is a construction that you have around the word home. You can try now, before going on with the reading, ask yourself, how does your home look like? What does it take for your home to be your home?
Traveling with a backpack and moving around every couple of months, I started noticing the rigidity of my own conception of home.
There is nowhere to go back to, physical space to wait or long for, nothing that I can postpone until I get home. Reality becomes closer and my now smaller.
If I don’t have that physical space to call home then where is home? And how am I relating to the places I am in? How am I engaging with my surroundings?
I am now in Brazil where I am living with two other women in the Women Of Earth Bridge-House. And since I have nowhere else to go, in the sense of owning an apartment somewhere and having my pillow and mattress waiting for me, I am seeing things that I didn’t before.
I am creating the circumstances that I want in the place I am right now. I am in someone else’s “owned” home, but this is also my home now, meaning that I care for it, I clean it, I fix a door knob that is loose, because this is my place. I am taking responsibility for it.
With changing the way I think about “home” other possibilities start emerging that I wouldn’t even consider, like buying a mosquito net for the door of the bedroom because I want more light to come in, or moving the furniture around because I want to work in a specific place and be with the other women in a co-working space.
Transforming the piece of thoughtware of “home is a place that I own or that I have my name on a contract” is opening space for more possibilities to appear in front of my eyes. It is not that they weren’t there before, it is just that the filter through which I was relating with life was not tuned with those possibilities.
Changing the radio station that I am listening to is allowing Creation to become more present. It is a choice. You can get a lever to tune into the radio station that you want to listen to. The levers are something you hold onto in order to change the radio station, you can choose to listen to the swamp radio station and be a victim of circumstances, places and people, or the Creation radio station, where you, moment by moment, source the possibilities to create the circumstances in which you want to inhabit. Your eyes spot what is missing but instead of making it a problem you have fun in creating solutions. It can be pretty ecstatic.
You may be missing a place next to your bed to put the books you are reading and your water bottle, you start looking around wondering where you could find something that could do the job. In that process you become a researcher of creative possibilities, looking around for the small table, chair, bench, wooden box, pile of stones that could do the trick. You could even build your own, just because you want to, you choose to, you decide to and then you move and do it.